Ouch! Broken Collar Bone and Black Eye

Well Monday’s jumping lesson with Willie Halliday and my team didn’t quite go to plan. In fact a trip to A&E was called for.

My youngster Mollie was jumping well but we completely misjudged our approach into a grid and it resulted in her falling and the pair of us having a bit of a tussle getting back on our feet.

Thankfully Mollie walked away with just a few scrapes (although our physio is coming to give her the once over). I on the other hand found myself unable to move my left arm.

Having insisted that Mrs B still had her jumping lesson on Rocky (think she was a little hesitant but they went really well) we then headed off to Airedale Hospital.

The service was fantastic, not too much waiting around, and it was confirmed that I had done a proper job of breaking my collar bone. Hopefully, it will heal within six weeks but I have had to cancel my trip to Hendersyde HT at the weekend.

Hey-ho I live to fight another day!!


Michael Broken Collar Bone 31.07.2017