Horse Prices on the Rise in 2020

adult white horse walking with brown foal

Horse prices – It is clear from recent enquiries, and background research, that the price paid for horses in the UK has risen quite significantly during 2020. This includes untried youngsters. From a legal perspective, this makes it all the more important that all involved are aware of the potential pitfalls.

The increase in horse values means that some of the disputes we advise on, which 12 months ago might have fallen within the ‘small claims court’ process, no longer do so. The court system for smaller claims is available to those where the value of the claim is up to £10,000. The Citizen’s Advice Bureau provides further guidance on their website.

As a buyer you need to consider:

As a seller you need to consider:

Whether you are a seller or buyer you will also need to consider the costs involved in any legal case. This has to be carefully weighed against the financial value of the horse or pony.

Our legal team will be able to advise you if you are involved in a horse related dispute. They will also give you an honest appraisal of your case and the potential costs.

Free Initial Enquiry

The Equine Law team would be delighted to explain how they can help. For your free, initial enquiry, please: